On this dreary weekend full of Nor’easters and sideways rain, I actually ventured up to the upper tip of Manhattan to see The Little Red Lighthouse. (With my new wide angle lens! :D)
The lighthouse sits right under the George Washington Bridge that connects Manhattan to New Jersey over the Hudson River. The lighthouse is the subject of a classic childrens’ book, The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge. After I saw the first 2 pages on Amazon, I immediately reserved the book at Borders because there was a lump in my throat from the adorableness of it. The first pages:
“Once upon a time a little lighthouse was built
on a sharp point of the shore on the Hudson
It was round and fat and red.
It was fat and round and jolly.
And it was VERY, VERY PROUD.”
“Behind it lay New York City where the people
The thing is, one of the information slates at the lighthouse said that it only had the power of 10 candles. The lighthouse is so wimpy yet “VERY, VERY PROUD.” I love it.
The bridge is so enormous and industrial and magnificent. (And scary, too!) I’m sure I’ll read this story to my kids someday.
GW Bridge on a more cheerful day– today! With sunsets like these and weather like today, it feels good to be alive. 🙂