Last year around this time we went out to Montauk on a little weekend getaway. This year we had to cancel our trip to Woodstock, NY because it’s supposed to be really gross and rainy all weekend. So when I become one of those old ladies in the subway who whacks twenty-somethings in the legs with umbrellas, it’s probably because I didn’t get a quarterly outing out of the city.
I haven’t shared these photos earlier because I haven’t had a scanner until a week ago. So instead of going on a little trip, I’ll probably spend the weekend scanning the stack of analog photos that have been stacking up over the year.
Last year’s trip to Montauk was also the first time I picked up rocks to make a statement necklace. As I look back on a year of making over-the-top jewelry involving things I picked up on trips, it’s kind of strange to see that it had a distinct starting point.
And if anyone takes a trip out to the Hamptons and Montauk, be sure to stop at the fiberglass dinosaur shop right off the highway. You won’t regret it.
I love the fiberglass dinosaurs! I want to take a photograph where there are behind me and I am running, screaming, away…
Or maybe one where they are snarling and I am poised to take them on one by one in an epic fight scene.
Either way a photo is necessary.