I saw this two-tone cardigan over on The Clothes Horse a few months back and I just had to make one for myself. The split colors remind me of something a court jester would wear.:)

(I’m also wearing my DIY Anthropologie-inspired scarf flats in this photo.)
Supplies for the two-tone cardigan:
♡ Two cardigans. I bought mine at Target.
♡ Double-fold bias tape (Here is a print-out you can use to make bias tape.)
♡ Straight pins
♡ Sewing machine (You can sew by hand if you want, it will just take a bit longer.)
Step 1:
First you need to take your cardigans and cut them down the middle. I found it helpful to cut along the line of the knit.
Step 2:
Next, line up the cut ends of the cardigan together and unfold the bias tape. Pin the bias tape and the cardigans together.
Step 3:
Then stitch up the bias tape line. After you have one side stitched, fold over the bias tape and then stitch down the other side, securing the cut ends of the cardigans inside the bias tape.
And that’s it! You’ve got a unique twist on a traditional wardrobe staple. 🙂
*Update: (For Killustrator’s comment, here’s an inside shot of the sweater.) 🙂 I didn’t leave room for a seam allowance, I just sewed a 1/3” seam over the cuts. Hope this helps!
SO cute!!
I have one like that one!! ^^
SO cute!!
I have one like that one!! ^^
SO cute!!
I have one like that one!! ^^
Awesome idea! I love your blog and your new header!
Awesome idea! I love your blog and your new header!
Awesome idea! I love your blog and your new header!
really really beautiful, clever and totally appealing!
really really beautiful, clever and totally appealing!
that is so awesome. I want to go buy cardigans right now.
that is so awesome. I want to go buy cardigans right now.
that is so awesome. I want to go buy cardigans right now.
really really beautiful, clever and totally appealing!
Did you leave a seam allowance when you cut the cardigans in half? Could you post a shot of the finished seam from the inside?
Did you leave a seam allowance when you cut the cardigans in half? Could you post a shot of the finished seam from the inside?
This is the coolest idea! Thanks for the wonderful tutorial!
This is the coolest idea! Thanks for the wonderful tutorial!
This is the coolest idea! Thanks for the wonderful tutorial!
Did you leave a seam allowance when you cut the cardigans in half? Could you post a shot of the finished seam from the inside?
@The Killustrator– I posted another picture for you! 🙂
Nice work. Love the necklace, too. Did you DIY it?
Nice work. Love the necklace, too. Did you DIY it?
Nice work. Love the necklace, too. Did you DIY it?
@Bromeliad– Thank you so much! My mom made the necklace for me, I need to write up a post about it. 🙂
This is an awesome idea! It looks great. I will now be on the look out for two lovely coloured cardigans 🙂
This is an awesome idea! It looks great. I will now be on the look out for two lovely coloured cardigans 🙂
This is an awesome idea! It looks great. I will now be on the look out for two lovely coloured cardigans 🙂
I have more than a half-dozen cardigans I bought at Target a couple of years ago. I wear them constantly, but this looks like fun! If I cut up three of them I can make three different ones.
Thanks for such a great idea.
I have more than a half-dozen cardigans I bought at Target a couple of years ago. I wear them constantly, but this looks like fun! If I cut up three of them I can make three different ones.
Thanks for such a great idea.
I have more than a half-dozen cardigans I bought at Target a couple of years ago. I wear them constantly, but this looks like fun! If I cut up three of them I can make three different ones.
Thanks for such a great idea.
Hi, thank you for sharing. Such a great tutorial! I posted your tutorial on my blog with a link back to your blog, hope it’s ok http://makeitandwearit.blogspot.com.au/2012/05/from-boring-to-beautiful-cardigan.html. Please write me if there is a problem makeandwear@gmail.com.
Hi, thank you for sharing. Such a great tutorial! I posted your tutorial on my blog with a link back to your blog, hope it’s ok http://makeitandwearit.blogspot.com.au/2012/05/from-boring-to-beautiful-cardigan.html. Please write me if there is a problem makeandwear@gmail.com.
Hi, thank you for sharing. Such a great tutorial! I posted your tutorial on my blog with a link back to your blog, hope it’s ok http://makeitandwearit.blogspot.com.au/2012/05/from-boring-to-beautiful-cardigan.html. Please write me if there is a problem makeandwear@gmail.com.
What a fabulous idea, and it looks super amazing!