These glitter flats– I love em. I rarely buy duplicates of anything, but these flats are so comfortable and versatile that I’ve gone through a few pairs. I wanted to find a way to spruce them up a bit and make them more unique, so I bought some spikes and added them to the shoes!
To make the spiked ballet flats you need:
-Spiked Studs (They screw in and they’re only $6 for 100 on Amazon!)
-Flats (I used these glitter flats.)
-Leather Hole Punch Tool (Optional, but I really like having this tool around. It’s really fun to use. :))
This project is super simple. All you need to do is punch holes around the top of your shoes and then screw in the studs. I used 7 studs on each shoe.
Also check out my DIY Anthropologie scarf flats and 14 Ways to Revamp Your Shoes.
Loove these. So simple too. I did this with a pair of my plain black combat boots not too long ago with gold nailheads from M&J Trimming. They came out awesome.
You should totally check out the nailheads/spikes on there because they have such a big selection. Not to mention, they have really really cute ones! Plus, it's 15% off all nailheads right now until 8/31/13. The promo code is: NAILHEAD201 and the link is: http://www.mjtrim.com/nailheads.html
Thanks for sharing such a cute idea! I really liked it!
Hello, can you share the link to buy the spikes please, what is the size I found 8mm x 8mm, they seem to be abpot the size of the ones you used. Thanks in advance.
I'm so embarrased, I found the link on your page under the picture haha. Thanks
Haha no problem! 🙂