Dress: Forever 21 (Yeah!), Lace tights: Vera Wang for Kohls, Scarf: Street vendor in NYC and decorated by me, Boots: Etienne Aigner (Ebay)
This black scarf is actually a remake of a scarf that I made a few years ago. Unfortunately when I was visiting my friend in Canada, I was trying on these unicorn costumes in a Value Village dressing room. I left my scarf there and when I came back the next morning, someone had purchased my scarf! What the heck, right? 🙂
So, I made another. (I really liked that scarf.)
This was the original. Slightly different, but pretty much the same.
To make this scarf, you need:
♥ Scarf
♥ Plasticky fabric (I used laundry bags that I bought at the 99 cent store in Harlem.) Any synthetic fabric should work.
♥ Beads
♥ Needle and thread
♥ Fabric glue
Step 1: First, you need to cut out the flower shapes. You can make any shape you want. The edges will burn up and make new shapes anyway.
Step 2: Burn the edges of your flowers with a candle. I just run the fabric near the fire and it crinkles up a bit. This makes sure that the fabric won’t fray.
Step 3: After you have the amount of petals that you want to create the texture of flowers for your scarf, you need to sew the beads in the center of the flower and sew the flower to the scarf. After you have sewn the centers, you need to take fabric glue and glue down the edges of the petals so they don’t flop everywhere. Do NOT make the mistake I made by glueing on top of paper. It will attach itself to the little glue spots on your scarf. Also, do not let your drying scarf rest on the carpet. Put it on top of an old sheet or something. 🙂
And that’s it! 🙂
One note about my boots. I got these little guys on Ebay (a great place for boots, I must say) because I think that the vintage boots are MUCH better quality than the boots of the same price in stores today. I do not like the faux leather when it comes to boots– they don’t last a tenth of the time that the leather boots last. But because I buy vintage/secondhand boots, sometimes their soles are a bit messed up. The soles of these boots were perfect when I first got them, but they started cracking after a few wears. So I decided to fix them with a bit of Shoe Goo.
It works really well and sealed those cracks right up.
I really like some of the older Etienne Aigner products. 🙂
*le sigh. I love boot weather! 🙂
It's beautiful! Amazing work.
le sigh, I love the scarf – and that green dress!
le sigh, I love the scarf – and that green dress!
le sigh, I love the scarf – and that green dress!
It's beautiful! Amazing work.