There are times when the possession of a glass head is incredibly handy. Like today. Whenever you make a headband and need a model, boom. Glass head. Perfect! (I suppose you could use your own head. But that’s seriously too easy.) Plus, I think my glass head could totally pass for a doppelgänger of myself.

(I made the rosette using the tutorial made by the incredible Jessica of
Cherry Street Cottage.)
What’s that you say? You don’t think my glass head looks anything like me? Where’s the crazy hair, Stacie? Where’s the dangly earrings? Glasses?
How about now.
i love this!
also love the antler necklace holder in the post below – very cool!
i love this!
also love the antler necklace holder in the post below – very cool!
Love your glass head. Personally, I want to get my hands on a phrenology head–though I don't think I'd want to describe one of the cherubic, ugly things as my doppelganger.
Love your glass head. Personally, I want to get my hands on a phrenology head–though I don't think I'd want to describe one of the cherubic, ugly things as my doppelganger.