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new york apartment

DIY DIY Apartment DIY Home new york apartment

How to Paint a Couch

There’s a pretty specific type of couch that you can haul from Indiana to New York in a cargo van full of furniture, clothes, and stuff to furnish an apartment. There’s also a very specific type of couch that will allow three roommates in…

November 14, 2012
DIY DIY Home new york apartment

DIY Wine Crate Kitchen Shelf

One night a few weeks ago, I was riding my scooter home off the subway and I noticed this wine crate outside of a liquor store near our apartment. In typical scrappy fashion, I picked up the crate and took it home, with no…

October 19, 2012
DIY DIY Home new york apartment

How to Make a Simple Headboard

So I’ve been in New York for about three weeks now and I am slowly working on project after project to make the apartment feel decorated and appear furnished by an adult. Ha. To me, New York totally has this college-esque feel because everyone…

September 4, 2012