
Stacie Grissom

Email: StarsforStreetlightsBlog(at)gmail.com

Hello! My name is Stacie Grissom and I am a blog-loving maker living and working in New York City. During the day I work at Bark & Co where I write the BarkPost and play with our office pups, but at night I’m an HTML putterer and crafting addict.



  • Reply Laura Guilfoyle November 28, 2020 at 2:08 am

    I just found your blog by way of a soldering tutorial on you-tube. Your work/you are amazing! Thank you for sharing your talent. I’m inspired. (Esp after several hours of practice soldering and being unhappy with the lumpy results and a few little finger burns). Question about your soldered cap rock necklaces: Have the caps held for you? Seems like it is asking a lot of the copper tape to cling to a rock with gravity working against it.
    Thanks again for sharing your unique ideas. I’ll be sure to use links to restock my supplies.

    • Reply Stacie November 29, 2020 at 1:22 pm

      Hey Laura!! Thanks so much for your kind words!! The necklaces have definitely held up for me, and there have been a few caps that I used a bit of E6000 super glue on to make them stick super well. (Usually the smoother rocks.)

      Hope that helps!! With E6000 things don’t go anywhere. 😛

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